We are open to applicants wishing to be involved with this small start up who have experience building Lithium-ion batteries or in E-waste management. We are open to all regardless of background, gender, ethnicity or other identities.
Please email to find out more.
Please email to find out more.
If you would like to organise a collection, you can fill out the form below:
What Happens to Retired Batteries
In Australia, lithium ion batteries that are put into commercial recycling streams will all eventually find themselves being shredded for their raw material worth.
The actual green house gas emission cost to produce a lithium ion cell varies between countries of manufacture but the process is described in this scientific report.
How we plan to do things differently:
We aim to allow more of the potential lifespan of batteries to be accessed through a second life scheme, thus preventing the resources of battery production being wasted and emissions being released, when batteries retire or are used in faulty equipment.